Core Keeper Fishing Locations And Available Fish (2024)

Every region in Core Keeper has a unique set of fish you can catch from the waters. However, from the waters you can not only catch fish but also hook different items.

Once you hook onto something at a fishing location in Core Keeper, the game randomly determines what it is (fish or item). There is a percentage chance attached to each fish and item you can hook in core keeper.

Note: The Rot Fish is one of the fish you can catch in Core Keeper. This fish should not be eaten raw or else it will deal 440 damage over 20s to your character. Craft a cooking pot to cook any fish you want.

The Underground (Starting Region) Fish And Items Tables

FishCooked EffectPercentage Chance
Rock JawIncreased melee damage.21
Blue Cave GuppyIncreased dodge chance.29
Gem CrabIncreased armor.13
Orange Cave GuppyIncreased mining damage.37
Amber Fish EggCan be sold for 31 Coins.
Rusty SpoonCan be sold for 3 Coins.
Copper OreCan be smelted into Copper Bars.
Scrap PartsUsed to repair damaged equipment.
WoodCommon crafting material.
FiberCommon crafting material.
Green KelpCan be sold for 1 Coin.
Golden StarfishCan be sold for 47 Coins.
Cave Guppy NecklaceEquip to Necklace slot.+6 Dodge.
Scuba FinsEquipped to the Pants Slot.+12 Maximum HP.+7 Armor.+8 percent chance to catch a fish.Part of the five-piece Scuba Set, which significantly increases your fishing capabilities.

The Clay Caves Fish And Item Tables

FishCooked EffectPercentage Chance
Yellow Blister HeadIgnore slime tiles’ slow effect.37
Green Blister HeadImmunity to acid damage.29
Devil WormIncreased ranged damage.21
Vampire EelGain HP whenever you hit an enemy with a melee attack.13
ItemEffectPercentage Chance
Yellow KelpCan be sold for 1 Coin.23.49
Tin OreCan be smelted into Tin Bars.18.79
Scrap PartsUsed to repair damaged equipment.15.66
FiberCommon crafting material.10.96
WoodCommon crafting material.7.83
Mucus AmoebaCan be sold for 19 Coins.15.66
Parasite FossilCan be sold for 22 Coins.1.57
Rusted RingEquip to Ring slot.+7 Armor2.98
Neptune NecklaceEquip to Necklace slot.+53 Fishing Skill.Part of the Scuba Set, whichsignificantly enhances your Fishing abilitywhen completed.1.88
Golden CocoonCan be sold for 66 Coins.0.78
Grub PearlCan be sold for 75 Coins.

The Forgotten Ruins Fish And Item Tables

FishCooked EffectPercentage Chance
Dagger FinDeal thorns damage when attacked in melee.55
Pink Palace FishIncreased melee attack speed.20
Teal Palace FishIncreased ranged attack speed.20
Crown SquidIncreased knockback chance.5
ItemEffectPercentage Chance
Grey KelpCan be sold for 1 Coin.23.38
Iron OreCan be smelted into Iron Bars.20.27
Scrap PartsUsed to repair damaged equipment.15.59
Soft SpongeCan be sold for 19 Coins.15.59
FiberCommon Crafting Material.10.91
Gold OreCan be smelted into Gold Bars.7.79
Bubble Pearl NecklaceEquip to Necklace slot.+12 HP+7 Armor+6 Dodge1.87
Goldfish RingEquip To Ring SlotFishes bite faster when equipped while fishing.Part of the Scuba Set, whichsignificantly enhances your Fishing abilitieswhen completed.1.87
Adder StoneCan be sold for 17 Coins.1.56
Caveling PerfumeCan be sold for 58 Coins.0.78
Enhydro CrystalCan be sold for 99 Coins.

Azeos’ Wilderness Fish And Item Tables

FishCooked EffectPercentage Chance
Azure Feather FishIncreased HP regeneration.37
Emerald Feather FishIncreased critical hit chance.29
Spirit VeilIncreased movement speed.21
Astral JellyIncreased Fishing Skill.13
ItemEffectPercentage Chance
Red KelpCan be sold for 1 Coin.23.83
Scarlet OreCan be smelted into Scarlet Bars.20.65
Scrap PartsUsed to repair damaged equipment.15.89
Lost PaddleCan be sold for 14 Coins.15.89
FiberCommon crafting material.11.12
Gold OreCan be smelted into Gold Bars.7.94
Sea Foam RingEquip to Ring slot.+51 Fishing Skill.1.91
Feather Fish ScaleCan be sold for 28 Coins.1.59
Caveling MedalCan be sold for 77 Coins.0.79
Rainbow KelpCan be placed as a decoration.Can be sold for 63 Coins.0.4

Mold Dungeon Fish And Item Tables

FishCooked EffectPercentage Chance
Mold SharkCooked Effect:Increased melee damage.50
Rot FishCooked Effect:Immunity to mold infection.37
Black Steel UrchinCooked Effect:Deal thorns damage when attacked in melee.13
ItemEffectPercentage Chance
Pale KelpCan be sold for 1 Coin.23.83
Scarlet OreCan be smelted into Scarlet Bars.20.65
Scrap PartsUsed to repair damaged equipment.15.89
Giant GermCan be sold for 16 Coins.15.89
FiberCommon crafting material.11.12
Gold OreCan be smelted into Gold Bars.7.94
Kelp MantleEquip to Chest slot.+32 Maximum HP.+16 Armor.Fish start closer to you when being reeled in.Part of the Scuba Set, which significantly enhances your Fishing abilities when completed.1.91
Mold ShellCan be sold for 23 Coins.1.59
Ceremonial FluteCan be sold for 46 Coins.0.4
Data SlateCan be sold for 85 Coins.

The Sunken Sea Fish And Item Tables

FishCooked EffectPercentage Chance
Bottom TracerSignificantly increases mining damage.32
Silver DartIncreases your critical hit chance.22
Golden DartIncreases your dodge chance.22
Pink CoralotlSignificantly increases ranged damage.12
White CoralotlSlighly increases mining speed.12
ItemEffectPercentage Chance
Blue KelpCan be sold for 1 Coin.27.35
Octarine OreCan be smelted into Octarine Bars.23.7
Scrap PartsUsed to repair damaged equipment.18.23
FiberCommon crafting material.12.76
Gold OreCan be smelted into Gold Bars.9.12
Golden JellyfishEquipped to the Off-Hand slot.Regenerates 1.9 HP per second.2.73
Giant Squid EyeCan be sold for 97 Coins.1.82
Golden NeedleCan be sold for 127 Coins.1.82
Diving HelmEquipped to the Head slot.+30 maximum HP.+17 Armor.Adds 7 to the roll when determining what type of fish is caught, effectively making rarer fish appear more often.+40 Fishing Skill while equipped.Part of the Scuba Set, which significantly enhances your Fishing abilities when completed.1.09
Polished ShellCan be sold for 101 Coins.0.91
Opabinia FossilCan be sold for 157 Coins.

Jake Bishop

I report on gaming news and occasionally create the best video game guides.

Core Keeper Fishing Locations And Available Fish (2024)
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