Guide to be the world’s greatest thie- treasure hunter.
103 Guard – 104 Megalodoth105 Silver Lobo
Narshe Mine
001 Wererat – 002 Spritzer (after Ymir)003 Bandit
035* Ymir – 036* Ymir
Narshe Mine
Phoenix Down
Sleeping Bag
011* Guard Leader
Monster in a box
Sleeping Bag
004 Leaf Bunny – 005 Darkwind006 Sand Ray [Desert] – 007 Alacran [Desert]
Figaro Castle
Auto Crossbow
You’ll get this one after talking with Edgar.
Phoenix Down
Gold Needle
Noiseblaster and Bioblaster available in the shop.
012* Magitek Armor
South Figaro Cave
008 Foper
009 Hornet
010 Urok
Phoenix Down
011 Unseelie – 012 Mu106 Belmodar
South Figaro
Gold Needle
Eye Drops
Green Cherry
Phoenix Down
Enter from here
Enter from here
500 Gil
1000 Gil
1500 Gil
Empty Chest
Now from this point go south , then east.
Hyper Wrist
Hermes Sandals
Teleport Stone
Duncan’s Cabin
Mt. Koltz , Returner Hideout and Lethe River
Mt. Koltz
013 Cirpius – 107 Zaghrem108 Trillium [Slopes] – 109 Gorgias
013* Ipooh – 037* Vargas
Main Gauche
Gigas Glove
Returner Hideout
Phoenix Down
Air Knife
Phoenix Down
Knight’s Code
White Cape (Hidden southeastern passage)
Green Cherry
Gauntlet/ Genji Glove
If you said “yes” to Banon question at first , second or third try , you’ll receive Gauntlet. if you say “no” 3 consecutive times you’ll receive Genji Glove instead.
Lethe River
014 Exocite – 110 Lesser Lopros111 Nautiloid
014* Ultros
Terra, Edgar and Banon’s Scenario – Sabin’s Scenario
Terra, Edgar and Banon’s Scenario
Narshe Mine
017 Valeor – 018 Wild Rat??? Darkside [Fail at light maze] – ??? Specter [Fail at light maze] – ??? Eukaryote [Fail at light maze]
Note: Enemies in light maze doesn’t have a bestiary entry. make sure to fight them or you’ll permanently lose Gau’s rages achievement.
??? = Not listed in Bestiary
Rune Blade
Sabin’s Scenario
019 Stray Cat – 020 Chippirabbit116 Aepyornis – 117 Nettlehopper
Note: Travel with Shadow
Imperial Camp
118 Captain – 119 Imperial Soldier120 Templar – 121 Satellite
??? Doberman
Note: get all treasures before chasing Kefka, also KICK the chest with Star Pendant or you’ll miss a rage. (Doberman)
Star Pendant
Monster in a box + Green Beret
Mythril Glove
Barrier Ring
Phantom Forest
021 Ghost – 022 Poplium
Phantom Train
023 Cloud – 024 Angel Whisper025 Bomb – 026 Apparition [Monster in a box]
122 Oversoul – 123 Living Dead [Only natural spawn]
124 Siegfried [Monster in a box]
039* Phantom Train
Siegfried Treasure + Bestiary entry
4 treasures from left to right
Monster in a box (Hyper Wrist) – Phoenix Down – Sniper Eye – Phoenix Down
Beren Falls
001* Rhizopas – 027 Opinicus Fish
Note: Buy a Dried Meat, you’ll need it later.
Tintinnabulum Side-quest
Speak with the wounded soldier in the northeastern house and bring him the letter that is on the table. He will speak of wanting to send a letter.
Now speak with the man in the center house (the one where the elixir is)and hand over 500 Gil to send the letter.
Finally go sleep at the Inn and then repeat the above steps 3 more times. after finishing this sidequest, you’ll receive the Tintinnabulum.
Recluiting Gau
Retun to overworld and enter a random battle.
Defeat all the enemies , Gau should appear.
As soon as he does that , select the Dried Meat and use it on Gau,after this he’ll join your party.
Note: have an eye on King of the Beasts achievement since it’s the longest in the game.
Crescent Mountain
Potion (Just go to west from the entrance)
Serpent Trench
028 Aspiran – 029 Actinian125 Anguiform
X-Potion (go right at the first fork)
Green Beret (go right at the second fork)
Elixir (Inn)
Locke’s Scenario and Narshe Raid
South Figaro
112 Heavy Armor (They’re standing around figaro , just talk to one to start this battle)
113 Commander – 114 Vector Hound
Iron Armor
Great Sword
Heavy Shield
X-Potion (go west from the hidden passage)
Ribbon (Hidden in the wall)
South Figaro Cave
15 Cartagra – 16 Acrophies115 Gold Bear
038* Tunnel Armor
After you have completed all 3 scenarios
Note: Make sure to fight all 12 battles.
126 Fidor – 127 Corporal128 Hunting Hound
040* Hell’s Rider – 041* Kefka
Finding Terra
Enter this house
5000 Gil
Thief’s Knife
Reflect Ring
Thieft’s Bracer
Hyper Wrist
Elixir (Elder’s house on the west side of town)
Figaro Castle
Flash and Drill tools available in the shop.
Overworld – Kohlingen side
030 Rock Wasp [Forest] – 129 Vulture130 Iron Fist – 131 Bloodfang
132 Paraladia [Forest] – 228 Fossil Dragon [Desert]
Green Beret (There’s an hidden entrance behind northwestern house)
North Cabin
Hero’s Ring
Ether (Owzer’s Mansion)
031 Gobbledygook – 133 Harvester
134 Veil Dancer – 229 Hill Gigas
042* Dadaluma
Ether (Pub)
Chainsaw (Inn, put 6:10:50 in the clock)
Brigand’s Glove(Relic shop, past the first open door)
Burning Fist
Hermes Sandals (topmost , left branch)
X-Potion (topmost , right branch)
Opera House
032 Stunner – 033 Goetia
015* Ultros
Overworld – Albrook
034 Litwor Chicken [Forest] – 035 Joker
037 Bug [Desert] – 135 Don
136 Wyvern – 137 Grasswyrn
Elixir (Pub)
Ether (Weapon shop)
Hi-Potion (Right side of the Inn)
(West from Vector)
Holy Water
Magitek Research Facility
Magitek Facility
038 Onion Knight – 039 Trapper [4th screen]
040 Flan [3rd screen – near Shiva and Ifrit] – 138 Sergeant
139 Belzecue – 140 General [4th screen]
141 Destroyer [5th screen] – 142 Lenergia [5th screen]
230 Proto Armor
016* Ifrit – 017* Shiva
043* Number 024
Flametongue (West pipe)
Thunder Blade
Dragoon Boots (2nd screen , near stairs)
Golden Helm (2nd screen, south from stairs)
Golden Armor (2nd screen, east from Golden Helm)
Tent (2nd screen) east from last treasure)
Golden Shield (2nd screen, up stairs )
Now go to the right from 2nd screen stairs and enter a hidden passage which is under a bunch of crates.
Zephyr Cloak
Stoneblade (5th screen, leftmost tube)
Magitek Facility Escape
041 Magna Roader – 143 Chaser [After railroad section]
231 Magna Roader
044* Number 128 – 045* Right Blade
046* Left Blade
Blackjack Airship
047* Crane – 048* Crane
The following achievement should unlock here:
Terra’s Truth
You discovered the truth about Terra and her hidden power.
Magicites & Bestiary entries
Recluiting Mog Side-quest
This quest takes place in the house filled with chests.
Enter here and you’ll find a lone wolf (character from Final Fantasy V) who when released he would steal treasures from unopened chests.
Follow him , He will run north to the mines.
He will end cornered at the top of the mountain , taking a Moogle as a hostage.
Just stand for a bit until the moogle free himself and resulting in them both flying over the cliff.
You have a choice now , if you save lone wolf , you’ll get a Gold Hairpin (50% mp usage), on the other hand if you save the moogle , he’ll join your party (I recommend this one).
Tzen – Seraph Magicite
Tzen Location
Seraph Magicite (3000 Gil)
Jidoor – Golem/Zona Seeker Magicite
Note: Make sure to have at least 30000 Gil before bidding.
Jidoor Location
Auction house
Just talk to the NPC that is located to the right of the entrance to start bidding.
Do this until you see Golem or Zona Seeker Magicite (Might take a while), if it doesn’t show just reenter and talk with him again.
Zona Seeker costs 10000 Gil
Golem costs 20000 Gil
Eye Drops
Gold Needle
Green Cherry
Phoenix Down
Echo Screen
Overworld – Thamasa
147 Briareus – 148 Devourer
233 Chimera [Forest]
Overworld – Grenade entry
036 Grenade [Very rare][Forest]
Note: Grenade spawn rate is very low , 6% to be exactly.
Overworld – Intangir entry
234 Intangir [This enemy has 32000 hp, use stop every turn and you’ll be fine]
Cave of the Sealed Gate to Thamasa
Cave to the Sealed Gate
042 Provoker [Entrance][Rare] – 043 Antares044 Lich – 144 Outcast
159 Ninja [Push the right switch to fight against it] – 232 Zombie Dragon
Assassin’s Dagger (Entrance)
Kazekiri (B1F)
X-Potion (B2F)
Heiji’s Jitte (B2F)
Hi-Ether (B3F)
Genji Glove (B3F)
Ninja Switch
Tent (Save room – B3F)
Invisibility Scroll (B3F – Buried)
Water Scroll (B3F – Buried)
Gold Needle (B3F – Buried)
Hi-Ether (B3F)
293 Gil (B3F – Buried)
Elixir (B3F)
Open a secret passage here
Magicite Shard (Hidden passage)
Hi-Ether (Hidden passage)
Magicite Shard (Hidden passage)
Ultima Weapon (Hidden passage)
Magicite Shard (B3F)
145 Imperial Elite [Speak with them] – 146 Mega Armor [Speak with them]
Alarm Earring
Gale Hairpin
Holy Water
Note: try to get as much soldiers as you can , there’s a total of 24.
1. To our homelands.
2. Leave him in jail.
3. That was inexcusable.
4. Celes is one of us!
5. Any option , you can also reply “I sill have a few things to ask” after this and do the others , each one will give +2 points just make sure to don’t ask the same question twice or you’ll lose 10 points.
6. They have gone a bit too far.
7. Choose the first option you asked when you had to ask , this will add you 5 points.
Take a break.
8. Now speak and defeat an Imperial Elite within 2 minutes.
Sit again.
9. That you war is truly over.
10. Yes.
If all your replies were right , you should receive everything listed below.
0+ points : South Figaro is no longer occupied by the Empire.
50+ points: Doma Castle is no longer occupied by the Empire.
67+ points: The Armory in the Imperial Observation Post is unlocked. (Theres a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of chests here , so aim for this one at least)
77+ points: You receive a Tintinnabulum
90+ points: You receive a Ward bangle
Imperial Observation Post
Angel Wings
8000 Gil
Hermes Sandals
Reflect Ring
13000 Gil
20000 Gil
Angel Rings
Alarm Earring
Elixir (Hidden in southern wall)
Flametongue (Stove)
Teleport Stone
Burning Mansion – Thamasa
045 Balloon
049* Flame Eater
Flame Rod
Ice Rod
Memento Ring
Esper Caves
Esper Caves
046 Bonnacon – 149 Land Grillon [Slopes]
150 Adamankary – 151 Mandrake [Slopes]
152 Venobennu [Slopes][Rare]
018* Ultros
Healing Rod
Chocobo Suit
Tabby Suit (From last treasure take the west entrance this time)
Lore hunting
This is a good moment to go hunt some lore with Strago.
To learn a lore you only have to survive a battle where an enemy has used the respective skill , simple as that.
I’ll where you can find some of them.
Dischord: The Satellite on the Veldt. (It uses Dischord every 12 turns)
Doom: Zombie Dragon on the Veldt. (use Gau’s leap then Zombie Dragon rage in another battle)
Lv. 3 Confuse: Trapper on the Veldt.
Lv. 4 Flare: Trapper on the Veldt.
Lv. 5 Death: Trapper on the Veldt.
Roulette: The Onion Knight on the Veldt. (use Sketch)
Self-Destruct: Bombs in the forest west of the Veldt. (use confuse for higher chances)
Transfusion: Intangir on Veldt, after defeating it in northeast island. (use Gau’s leap then Intangir rage in another battle)
Traveler: Unseelie, South Figaro overworld (use confuse for higher chances)
White Wind: Venobennu , Esper Caves (Slopes)
That’s all you can get for now.
Castle Doma
Elixir (West bedroom)
Hi-Ether (West bedroom)
X-Potion (North bedroom)
Phoenix Down (Southeast tower)
Prayer Beads (Southeast tower)
Preparing for Floating Continent
You will no longer returning to this world ,so make sure that your bestiary should look like this
001 – 046
103 – 152
228 – 234
011*- 018*
035*- 049*
Get a ton of Ethers, Hi-Potions , you might need them.
Floating Continent
153 Sky Armor – 154 Spitfire
019* Ultros – 050* Typhon
051* Air Force – 052* Laser Gun
053* Missile Bay – 054* Bit
The following achievement should unlock here:
Enough Already!
You continued to defeat Ultros to the bitter end.
The Floating Continent
155 Brainpan – 156 Misfit
157 Apocrypha – 158 Platinum Dragon
235 Dragon – 236 Behemoth
277 GIgantos
055* Ultima Weapon
Monster in a box + Sasuke Knife
The Floating Continent – Escape
160 Naude
020* Nelapa
Elixir (go around or you won’t be able to get this treasure)
Missable character: After the battle , continue to the end of the path and you’ll get the option to jump or wait , you MUST choose wait or Shadow will be gone forever blocking a lot of late game achievements.
The following achievement should unlock here:
Washed Up on Solitary Island
You witnessed the World of Ruin event.
World of Ruin
Overworld – Albrook/Tzen Region
047 Fafnir – 048 Peeper
049 Gigantoad – 050 Land Ray [Desert]
161 Killer Mantis – 162 Murussu
163 Luna Wolf – 164 Rukh
237 Black Dragon [Desert]
The Collapsing House – Tzen
51 Zokka – 52 Nightwalker
53 Scorpion
Healing Rod
Holy Rod
Hyper Wrist
Monster in a box
Blood Sword
Magicite Shard
Monster in a box
Overworld – Mobliz/Nikeah Region
054 Delta Beetle – 055 Vampire Thorn
056 Lizard – 165 Devoahan
Phoenix Down
Note: Fenrir Magicite will be automatically granted after completing this part.
Overworld – South Figaro
057 Cancer – 058 Desert Hare
166 Sandhorse [Desert] – 167 Oceanus [Forest]
South Figaro Cave
059 Humpty – 168 Cruller
169 Neck Hunter – 238 Dante
Figaro Castle
060 Dropper [Engine room]
021* Tentacle – 022* Tentacle
023* Tentacle – 024* Tentacle
Gravity Rod
Crystal Helm
Royal Crown
Soul Sabre
Debilitator tool available in the shop.
Overworld – Kohlingen
061 Deepeye – 062 Mousse
170 Bogy – 239 Marchosias [North of Kohlingen]
Darill’s Tomb
171 Cloudwraith – 172 Exoray
240 Borghese [Near entrance] – 241 Malboro
242 Skeletal Horror [First Room]
057* Angler Whelk – 058* Angler Whelk
059* Dullahan
Genji Helm (Southeastern path)
Quintessential Adventurer should unlock after this chest.
Quintessential Adventurer
You opened more than 80% of all treasure chests.
Crystal Mail (Southwestern path)
Regal Gown [use stairs from the last treasure]
Growth Egg
First go to this room and inspect all gravestones
then backtrack to this one (Northwestern path)(use this code WEHT , DLRO , QSSI , ERAU)
finally go here to collect one of the best relics in the game (Exp x2)
Monster in a box + Dragon Claws
Searching for Friends
First step is going to Maranda and locate this house.
enter and talk with Lola , she’ll ask you about sending a letter, agree. now exit the house and “talk” with the pigeon outside.
It will go to Zozo , that’s your next stop.
Inside Zozo , go near the Inn and buy Rust-Rid from the merchant.
Now head to the pub and make your way up, use the Rust-Rid on the western door.
We’ll end in Mt. Zozo.
Mt. Zozo
063 Luridan [Slopes] – 173 Mugbear174 Devil Fist [Slopes] – 175 Punisher
243 Glasya Labolas
030* Storm Dragon
Ice Shield
Red Cap
Thunder Shield (all the way south from the last chest)
Aegis Shield
Gold Hairpin (north from last chest
Dragon Seal location #1 (stand on button , then beat the dragon that was liberated)
Cyan’s Chest
Finding this character is very simple , just head to the Veldt
and start fighting until he appear. (you’ll need a free slot in your party)
056* Humbaba
Return to Mobliz.
after talking with the children, you will notice that Terra, Duane and Katarin are missing. go to the west house and enter a passage hidden behind the staircase to find them.
Now you’ll have to fight Humbaba again and after a scene , Terra will be in your party.
Head to Jidoor.
then head to Owzer’s Mansion
Before proceeding you might want to get this missable bestiary entry
Now examine the picture of the lady to enter the basement…
064 Coeurl Cat – 065 Crusher
066 Caladrius – 177 Misty
178 Rafflesia [Examine picture of flowers at gallery][Missable if you kill the boss] – 179 Still Life 180 Blade Dancer
062* Chadarnook
Moogle Suit
Lich Ring
293 Gil
Gold Needle
Lakshmi Magicite (Unmissable)
The following achievement should unlock here:
Portrait Time!
You found and befriended Relm.
Note: Relm is required for this.
Head to Cultists’ Tower and talk with Strago while Relm is in your party… that is all.
Highly recommended to go with only 3 chars in your party.
Go to Arvis’s house and take the back path to the mines.
head to the Mog’s hideout to find Mog. he’ll join you after a short conversation.
077 Wizard – 078 Magna Roader (North mines)
079 Psychos – 187 Lukhavi
188 Garm – 249 Test Rider250 Magna Roader (North mines)
Molulu’s Charm
The following achievement should unlock here:
Fast Friends, Kupo!
You found and befriended Mog.
008* Ice Dragon – 063* Valigarmanda
Again on Narshe , go to the north mines this time.
Dragon Seal location #2
You’ll have to defeat Valigarmanda in order to enter Yeti’s hideout.
Searching for Friends Part 2
Yeti’s Cave
082 Anemone – 189 Illuyankas
083 Knotty – 080 Tonberry [You may want to revisit for this kill]
081 Onion Dasher – 102 Tonberries [Monster-in-a-box, not required for Gau’s Rages]
190 Tzakmaqiel
064* Yeti
Monster in a box (Tonberries)
Gauntlet (Bottom)
Midgarsormr Magicite
Speak with Umaro while Mog is in your party.
The following achievement should unlock here:
Bone Carver
You found and befriended Umaro.
To be able to get Shadow in World of Ruin you must have saved him on The Floating Continent.
Cave on the Veldt
176 Twinscythe – 244 Gorgimera
245 Death Warden [In a box]
060* Behemoth King – 061* Behemoth King
Berserker Ring
Monster in a box + Tigerfang
Ichigeki (Don’t sell this weapon)
After the events in Veldt Cave, you’ll end in Thamasa with Shadow having a nightmare.
Head to the Coliseum , speak with the man in front of the door and bet the Ichigeki to have a fight against Shadow. after winning he’ll join your party.
Coliseum location
Road to Carnage
You had all of Shadow’s dreams.
Now that Shadow is again in your party, you might as well want to do this simple achievement.
Go to any town except for Thamasa and sleep in the Inn , there’s a 50% chance of getting a dream sequence. just spam sleep in the Inn and the achievement should unlock as soon as you see the 4th sequence.
Phoenix Cave
067 Ouroboros – 068 Zeveak
069 Seaflower – 070 Necromancer
181 Face – 182 Clymenus
183 Chaos Dragon – 246 Galypdes
068* Red Dragon
Teleport Stone
Wing Edge
Dragon Horn
Dragon Seal location #3
You’ll receive (from opened chests) Elixir , Flame Shield , Phoenix Down , Valiant Knife , X-Ether and X-Potion.
Also Phoenix Magicite.
The following achievement should unlock here:
More Than King
You found and befriended Locke.
251 Zone Eater [Kill in once to get the bestiary entry]
Get in a battle against Zone Eater. instead of killing it , let it use inhale on all your party to get into…
Zone Eater
Zone Eater’s Belly
192 Covert – 193 Wartpuck
194 Shambling Corpse – 195 Amduscias
196 Baalzephon [Rare] – 253 Kamui
Hi-Ether (Get smacked-off to access to lower level)
Red Jacket (lower level)
Genji Armor
Magical Brush
Fake Mustache
Zephyr Cloak
Hero’s Ring
Pinwheel (Get it from south or you’ll get crushed)
Thunder Shield (Push the button to open this path)
The following achievements should unlock here:
In the Belly of the Beast
You found and befriended Gogo.
Hang on, Old Man!
You brought all the characters together.
Remaining Magicite: Part 1
Quetzalli Magicite
Go to The Solitary Island , then to the south beach.
Alexander Magicite
Cyan in you party is required for this
Head to Castle Doma
your next step is taking a nap in the east room (from west entrance)
Cyan’s Dream Sequence
086 Pandora – 087 Parasite
199 Weredragon – 202 Alluring Rider
203 Coco
025* Curlax – 026* Laragorn
027* Moebius
Phantom Train Sequence
085 Al Jabr – 197 Samurai
198 Suriander
Genji Glove (pull the switch)
Flame Shield (get the lump of metal and use it in the chest blocking your path)
Ice Shield
Cavern Sequence
200 Schmidt – 201 Pluto Armor
254 Io
Doma Castle Sequence
002* Soul Saver – 028* Wrexsoul
Doma Castle
After a short sequence you’ll receive the Sword Master achievement.
Sword Master
You learned all of Cyan’s “Bushido” commands.
Now head to the throne room where Alexander Magicite will be waiting for you.
Odin/Raider Magicite
It’s located in Ancient Castle which can be accessed through Figaro Castle
head to the eastern basement (where the jail is)
Cave to the Ancient Castle
089 Figaro Lizard – 204 Devil
205 Enuo
003* Master Tonberry [In a box]
Wing Edge
Monster in a box + Gladius
Death Tarot
Magicite Shard (south from stairs)
Ancient Castle
088 Lunatys – 255 Armored Weapon
029* Samurai Soul – 069* Blue Dragon
Monster in a box + Master Scroll (west from entrance)
Punisher (east from entrance)
Blizzard Orb
Gold Hairpin
After getting Odin’s Magicite
head southeast to the Queen’s room.
then return to the throne room and stand here.
this will open a path in the Queen’s room that leads to a secret basement.
Dragon Seal location #4
Here examine Queen’s statue to turn Odin into Raiden Magicite.
Bahamut Magicite
066* Deathgaze
This is probably the most annoying magicite to get. Your objective will be defeating Deathgaze, a boss that only spawn in 2 tiles of the world map out of 4096 tiles (random spawn), It’s also invisible…
Fly until you “hit” it.
The following achievement should unlock after defeating Deathgaze:
Wish You Were Here
You defeated Deathgaze.
Remaining Magicite: Part 2
Ragnarok Magicite
Locke is required for this.
Start going to weapon store, it was locked before but now Locke will unlock it.
Talk with the weaponsmith and you’ll get a choice , choose leaving it as a Magicite or you’ll permanently lose it.
Leviathan Magicite
074* Leviathan
Head to Nikeah (I recommend saving outside)
then go into the town and opt to ride the ship to the other port, you’ll be ambushed by Leviathan during this travel.
you’ll receive this Magicite after winning.
Cactuar Magicite
Overworld – Maranda
073 Cactuar – 248 Slagworm
073* Gigantuar
Head to Maranda and talk with the man speaking about Cactuars.
now go to the desert just south of the town.
battle until you have killed at least 10 Cactuars (they’re rare)
Now that you have already killed 10 , go to the southwest part of the desert to start a boss battle against Gigantuar.
you’ll get the Magicite after winning.
Gilgamesh Magicite
You’ll need 500.000 Gil for this one.
075* Gilgamesh
Go to the Auction House in Jidoor, you must speak to the guy who’s outside to make it available.
Now enter and check if they’re bidding the Excalipoor , if not , reenter.
Bid for it (auction will end at 500k)
After getting the Excalipoor head to the coliseum and bet it.
Coliseum location
you’ll fight a onion knight and Gilgamesh after that. beat him to get his Magicite.
That’s all the Magicite you can get for now.
Ebot’s Rock and The Cultists’ Tower
Sabin Phantom Rush
There are two ways to get Sabin’s last Blitz command ,one is getting to level 70 or finding Duncan’s house.
After a short scene you’ll receive this useful command.
The following achievement should unlock here:
Masterful Mastership!
You learned all of Sabin’s “Blitz” commands.
More lores for Strago
Note: Use Relm with Fake Mustache for her “Control” ability.
1,000 Needles: Cactuar south of Maranda.
Aero: Vasegiatta , Thamasa Forest (Southern corner of the map).
Bad Breath: Malboro in Darill’s Tomb west of Kohlingen.
Mighty Guard: Land Ray ,Solitary Island. Use Stop then Sketch. (Control doesn’t work with stop)
Rippler: Leap Frogs in the forest north of Jidoor.
Tsunami: Enuo in Cave to the Ancient Castle.
That’s all the lore you can get for now.
Ebot’s Rock
Strago is required for this.
Head to Thamasa.
After a scene , you’ll
Go here to do a small sidequest…
Note: you need 21+ pieces of coral to pass the section blocked by a chest.
Strago is also required for this dungeon.
094 Warlock – 095 Medusa Chicken
096 Creature – 212 Sorath
213 Moonform – 214 Aspidochelon
256 Mahadeva
004* Erebus – 005* Erebus
006* Erebus – 007* Erebus
067* Hidon (Grand Delta lore – Rare)
Note: Make sure to don’t kill the boss too fast, as he is the easiest way to get the Grand Delta lore for Strago. If you somehow miss the lore, you can talk to Gungho for a chance to respawn Hidon. Talk to him until he mentions that Hidon has reappeared (1.25%).
The Cultists’ Tower
090 Magic Urn – 091 Level 10 Magic
092 Level 20 Magic – 093 Level 40 Magic
206 Level 30 Magic – 207 Level 50 Magic
208 Level 60 Magic – 209 Level 70 Magic
210 Level 80 Magic – 211 Level 90 Magic
065* Magic Master – 072* Holy Dragon
Safety Bit (2nd floor)
Now go to the east wall of the chest and press “action” to open another room
go ouside , you’ll see a new door downstairs that contains another chest.
Air Anchor (Hidden room)
If you have bought all of the Edgar’s tools the following achievement should unlock here:
Mech Mania
You got all of Edgar’s Tools.
Genji Shield (3rd floor)
Kagenui (4th floor)
Dragon Seal location #5 (4th floor)
Force Armor (5th floor)
Soul of Thamasa (top)
Dragon Seal location #6
031* Earth Dragon
This one is located in Opera House
Talk with Impresario ,then go to the stage.
Kefka’s Tower
097 Mover [Palace] – 098 Vector Lythos [Scrapyard]
099 Junk [Factory] – 100 Metal Hitman [Factory]
216 Yojimbo [Palace] – 217 Dark Force [Palace]
218 Cherry [Palace] – 219 Outsider [Palace]
220 Duel Armor [Factory] – 221 InnoSent [Factory]
222 Ahriman [Palace] – 223 Death Machine [Factory]
257 Muud Suud [Factory][room after Ultima Buster] – 258 Fiend Dragon [Scrapyard]
259 Primeval Dragon [Scrapyard] – 260 Landworm [Scrapyard]
261 Gamma [Factory] – 262 Great Malboro [Scrapyard]
263 Demon Knight [Palace] – 264 Great Behemoth [Scrapyard]
265 Vector Chimera [Scrapyard] – 266 Fortis [Factory]
267 Daedalus [Palace] – 268 Prometheus [Factory]
070* Gold Dragon – 071* Skull Dragon
076* Inferno – 077* Rahu
078* Ketu – 079* Ultima Buster
080* Guardian – 081* Fiend [Check note][Missable lore]
082* Goddess – 083* Demon
084* Short Arm – 085* Long Arm
086* Visage – 087* Tiger
088* Machine – 089* Magic
090* Power – 091* Lady
092* Rest – 093* Kefka
Hypno Crown (Party 1)
Fixed Dice (Party 1)
Minerva Buster (Party 2)
Pinwheel (Party 2)
Force Shield (Party 2)
Force Armor (Party 2)
Dragon Seal location #7 (Party 2)
Red Cap (Party 3)
Gauntlet (Party 3)
Nutkin Suit (Party 3)
Hero’s Ring (Party 3)
Megaelixir (Party 3)
Rainbow Brush (Party 3)
Dragon Seal location #8 and last one (Party 3)
You’ll receive Crusader Magicite after defeating the last dragon.
Pinwheel (Party 1)
Note: You might want to send your team with Strago to the west , Fiend is that way and has a lore to learn.
Remaining Strago’s lore
It’s a good time to go hunt the last 3 lore spells.
Reflect ???: Dark Force , Kefka’s Tower
Level. ? Holy: Dark Force , Kefka’s Tower
Qasar: Dark Force , Kefka’s Tower
Place Strago in your party 1 and walk to this segment
You’ll get frequently encounters against Dark Force x2 , I’ve tried using Control and Sketch but doesn’t seem to work , and this enemy is immune to Confuse. anyways , just survive until they use these skills , shouldn’t take long.
The following achievement should unlock here:
An Uncommon Wizard
You learned all of Strago’s “Lore” commands.
Also this one after completing the game
Balance Is Restored
You finished the game.
Dragon’s Den
101 Magic Dragon [Grand Cavern] – 224 Zurvan [Flame Labyrinth]
225 Vilia [Earth Labyrinth] – 226 Dragon Aevis [Flame Labyrinth]
227 Hexadragon [Grand Cavern] – 269 Great Dragon [First Cavern]
270 Abaddon [Flame Labyrinth] – 271 Dinozombie [Dragon Temple]
272 Death Rider [Dragon Temple] – 273 Shield Dragon [Holy Palace]
274 Maximera [Cloister of Trials] – 275 Armodullahan [Cloister of Trials]
276 Crystal Dragon [Cloister of Trials][Very rare] – 278 Earth Eater [Cloister of Trials]
279 Gargantua [Cloister of Trials] – 280 Malboro Menace [Cloister of Trials]
281 Abyss Worm [Cloister of Trials] – 282 Dark Behemoth [Cloister of Trials]
009* Flan Princess – 010* Ice Dragon
032* Plague – 033* Storm Dragon
034* Earth Dragon – 094* Neslug
095* Neslug – 096* Red Dragon
097* Blue Dragon – 098* Gold Dragon
099* Skull Dragon – 100* Holy Dragon
101* Kaiser Dragon [HP is 65,500 x 5]
Hi-Ether (Burning Labyrinth)
Rename Card (Burning Labyrinth)
Elixir (Burning Labyrinth)
Magicite Shard (Flame Labyrinth)
Teleport Stone (Flame Labyrinth)
Megalixir (Flame Labyrinth)
X-Potion (Earth Labyrinth)
Remedy (Earth Labyrinth)
X-Potion (Inner Eye Labyrinth)
Celestriad (Grand Cavern)
Elixir (Grand Cavern)
X-Ether (Grand Cavern)
Force Armor (Inner Eye Labyrinth)
Magus Robe (Holy Palace)
Phoenix Down (Dragon Temple – Cloister)(Carve into the gravestone THE KING OF THE DRAGONS)
Elixir (Dragon Temple – Cloister)
Bone Wrist
Monster in a box (Treasure room)(Plague) + Angel Brush
Monster in a box (Treasure room)(Neslug) + Gungnir
Stardust Rod (Treasure room)
Genji Glove (Treasure room – second entrance)
Opening location
Crystal Orb (Treasure room – second entrance)
Monster in a box + Oborozuki (Treasure room – second entrance)
Diabolos Magicite (after defeating Kaiser Dragon)
The following achievements should unlock after defeating Kaiser Dragon
The Road to Esper World
You collected all the Magicite.
Master of Dragons
You completed the Dragons’ Den.
Dragon’s Den Revisited
After defeating Kaiser Dragon , just reenter Kaiser’s Lair (by standing on all 3 buttons again) to fight Omega Weapon. Omega Weapon also has the ‘Grand Delta’ lore, but uses it very rarely so it’s not recommended to attempt this with him. But you may try so.
102* Omega Weapon [HP is actually 65,500 x 3]
The following achievement should unlock after defeating Omega Weapon:
You defeated Omega Weapon.
The rest of the bestiary that isn’t mentioned regarding monsters in the world map in the World of Ruins is listed here. These aren’t missable as you retain access to World of Ruins.
Maranda Area
072 Leap Frog [Forest] – 074 Crawler
075 Basilisk – 076 Lycaon
185 Sprinter – 186 Greater Mantis [Forest]
Dinosaur Forest Area
071 Tumbleweed
184 Tyrannosaur [Forest] – 247 Brachiosaur [Forest][Very rare encounter]
Ebot’s Rock Area
191 Purusa
Thamasa Area
084 Gloomwind – 252 Vasegiatta [Forest]
215 Siegfried
Bet a Megalixir in the Coliseum
Congratulations , your bestiary should be complete now.
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